Instead, an application registers the I/ O events the arrival of readable data, a new socket connection, and so on and the system tells you when such an event occurs. 应用程序注册I/O事件(可读数据的到达、新的套接字连接等等),当出现这种事件时系统会发出通知。
Meaningful letters or characters that constitute readable matter. In optical character readers, to gather picture data from a field on an input document, using a special scan. 文字记载可以阅读材料的有意义的字母或符号在光电字符阅读机上,用特殊扫描方法从输入文件的一个区域中获取图象数据。
In electronic publishing and many music software, there is a need to trans form music score to computer readable data. 在电子出版及许多音乐研究中,均需将原文乐谱转化为被计算机可读的数据。
A detail introduction about the Input Data Table and the Machine Readable Table's character, function, data form and meaning, key processing, etc. 对输入数据表和机读词表的特点、作用、数据组织方式和含义、处理要点等做了较为详细的介绍。
This paper mainly discusses how to give a succinct, perspicuous and readable description of the data parallel algorithm on MCC-SIMD computer, proposes a strict descriptive method, and formalizes its defination. sorting and searching of array data: Calculation of data via array; 文章主要研究针对MCC-SIMD计算机的数据并行计算,如何进行简洁、明晰、可读性强的描述问题,提出了一种严谨的描述方法,并进行了形式化定义。
Data mining, also named as KDD ( Knowledge Discovery in Database), is an advanced process, in which we can pick up many trustful, novel, useful and readable patterns from very large amounts of data. 数据挖掘,也称为数据库中的知识发现(KnowledgeDiscoveryindatabase,KDD),是从大量数据中提取出可信、新颖、有效并能被人理解的模式的高级处理过程。
In order to increase the quality of cataloguing data and improve cataloguing standardization, this paper analyzes frequently appeared cataloguing problems of machine readable bibliography data in Chinese, newly made by different cataloguing departments. 本文就目前各编目机构制作的中文机读书目数据中经常出现的著录方面的问题作了一定的分析,希望能够提高编目数据的质量,促进文献著录的标准化。
As for the readable and writable contactless IC card system, the thesis discusses the coding and rectifying measure to improve the reliability of the data transmission deeply, analyses the verifying and decoding method, and brings out the pivotal designing thought of the software. 对可读可写式非接触IC卡系统,深入研究了提高数据传输可靠性的编码和纠错措施,分析了所采用的校验编码和纠错方法,并给出了核心的软件设计思路。
Among these stages, text representation is a key process which refers to how to transform human readable text into machine readable data. 文本表示是文本分类的一个关键步骤。文本表示指的是如何将人能阅读和理解的自然语言文本表示为计算机可读的数据,本质上是一个信息转换的过程。